DIY: How to make wooden straws by yourself

wooden straws

Wooden straws are a sustainable alternative to plastic straws, which can take hundreds of years to decompose and pollute our oceans. Making your own wooden straws at home is easy and a fun DIY project. In this article, we will discuss the different types of wood that are best for making wooden straws and the … Read more

Lathe makes strange noise: Common reasons and troubleshooting


Lathes are powerful machines that are used for shaping and cutting materials such as metal, wood, and plastic. However, like any machine, they can sometimes experience problems and make strange noises. If your lathe is making strange noises, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem and get it running smoothly … Read more

How to sharpen a Chainsaw without any tools


Sharpening a chainsaw without any tools may seem like a daunting task, but it is actually quite simple if you know the proper techniques. In this article, we will explore the science behind chainsaw sharpening and the methods you can use to sharpen your chainsaw without any tools. Understanding the chainsaw blade The first thing … Read more

How to remove mold from wood terraces / wooden decks

Mold growth on wooden decks is a common problem that can be unsightly and potentially harmful to the health of you and your family. Fortunately, there are several ways to effectively remove mold from wooden decks, using both natural and chemical methods. First, it is important to identify the type of mold that is growing … Read more

How to cut perfect firewood for winter (User’s guide)


Especially in the times when oil and gas is expensive, owners of fireplaces are happy to heat their homes with wood. But not only for the purpose of heat, firewood is also for the atmosphere or used in the evenings BBQ.The firewood does not have to be purchased expensively – the processing of your own … Read more